Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3


2.) Reflection on prior feedback:
The only feedback I received was about how I should describe more how my LUV Fit Kit would be better than or more advantageous than competitors. I do think I could describe the benefits of the fit kit over buying single brand boxes, however as far as I know there is no competition that offers the same style of diaper boxes that I would.

3) Based on prior reflection what did I change: I decided to focus a little more on what sets us apart from other diaper companies.


  1. Brittney,
    Your video, at least the one that I'm seeing here, is only one second long and you say "child." I feel like that's probably not the whole thing, so you may want to check that out. Since we have to critique it, I would recommend that, in your elevator pitch, you should talk about what your company does and why it is worth others' time and money. I wish you the best of luck in the remainder of this class. Go Gators! Feel free to check out my blog at:

  2. It seems like your whole video did upload properly. I would've loved to hear your pitch to see your enthusiasm and so I could write a beneficial comment. Best of luck with the remainder of the class!
    Check out my post here:

  3. Hey Britney,

    I would love to hear more about your idea and the possibilities it has outside of a college town. I don't think a diaper company would be a good idea in Gainesville because there is not a high birth rate here for the most part. Being able to develop something that will set you apart from the competition would be a huge benefit in your industry. Good look fixing your video and check out my post if you have the time!
