Friday, March 25, 2016

Celebrating Failure

1)    A time I failed this last semester was when I tried to start an exercise regimen. I decided to finally get my butt up after having my baby girl, and lose some of this extra baby weight. I went hard at first, but then I was so sore that I decided to take a rest day. After one rest day I couldn’t find the energy to do another exercise day. This made me mad at myself, and I ate more to feel better. So in the end I ended up gaining a few pounds!
2)    I learned that I need to be really dedicated and not take rest days until my exercise habit is formed. I learned that failure is okay, as long as I get back up.

3)    I think failure is not only good, its necessary. I needed to learn that if I took reset days before having enough habit in me to continue after the rest period that I could lose motivation. Now that I know that I took a different approach to exercise and decided to participate in some of those 30 day challenges that don’t allow for rest. This has helped me a lot, and in two months I’ve dropped all my baby weight!


  1. Hi Brittney,
    No shame in a rest day, in fact its needed. If you exercise the same muscle groups every day you will start to work against yourself. I have been in your position with my own exercise regimen and know all to well how hard it is to get back going again when your muscles are screaming at you. My father always said it takes seven days to form a habit. If you can work hard at it for a week then it will get easier to find the needed motivation. Failure is indeed necessary as it is the only way we grow and learn.

    You can check out my Celebrating Failure post here:

  2. Hi Brittney!

    I so relate to this! I cannot tell you how many different programs I purchased that would never be completed. I think the goal is to find something you know you will do every day and that will be optimal. Also, a rest day is needed in most programs but I've learned it doesn't work for me. If I take a day off, I will take a week off and then fall of the wagon all together. What I have learned is if I need to go light I will in lieu of taking a rest day. Good for you in losing that baby weight! Healthy is always a great accomplishment! Check my blog out at

  3. Brittney,
    I know that exercise is hard. Its rough and uncomfortable and no one wants to do it. But it really has made an incredible difference in my life. I really commend you for doing this for yourself and trying to become a better version of yourself, theres no problem with taking a rest day.
    Check out my post if you have time:
