Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1.)   My name is Brittney and I’m 24 years old, a mother, wife,  and student. I have ten years of work experience specifically in customer service. For this the LOV Fit Kit I hope I can get my kit on every shelf in huge retail chains around the country. I want to be able to show all parents that they do have a choice when it comes to diapering their children. Settling for a brand because of popularity or fear of changing brands because of cost will be an issue of the past!

2.)   The LOV Fit Kit is a need that hasn’t been met for reasons still unknown to me. It seems simple and realistic to implement my system. When a mother goes diaper shopping especially for a new baby, or a baby who needs a bigger diaper size because they’ve outgrown their old size, they should be able to test sizes and brands without having to commit to a $20 box of diapers from just one brand with just one size. With the LOV Fit Kit parents can walk into a store pick the size they need to test, and have $10 box of diapers with different brands so that they can find the perfect fit for their little one.
Our box will have two different sizes in each kit. For the mother who isn’t sure what size is best at the point in their child’s growth. It will also include 5 different brands with two diapers of each size and brand. That means for just $10 parents can have a box of 20 diapers to test and figure out what sizes will work. That’s not all, included in every fit kit are sample wipes for babies having trouble with rashes and coupons for the different brands so that you can save on your next diaper purchase!

3.)   The LOV Fit Kit would be a great tool for parents everywhere. First time parents are not brand loyal and would probably be the biggest target for our product. We will do this so that manufacturers have incentive to not only participate in our mission but also include coupons for future buyers. It would also be reasonable to target hospitals that deliver babies so that they can make sure every new family goes home with a LOVE Fit Kit to have the perfect fit for their brand new baby.

4.) I think most parents would love to be able to shop around without actually spending the amount of money it would take to test every brand and size before picking out a diaper that’s right for their little one. A lot of the times parents go home with a box diapers and it turns out that this diaper is off an inch on the waste, or too long under their bottom. This kind of size misfit will cause leaks and stains, and stress to parents. As a parent myself I find that I spend lots of time in the diaper aisle wishing there were different options because the ones available just aren’t working, or are too expensive to use for testing a fit.

 5.)   Our product will have a kit for every baby along every step of diapering. Newborns have especially sensitive skin, so we will carry a newborn package that has sensitive diapers from every brand that sells them. When the parent finds what they want, they will have coupons from that manufacturer to buy their first box of diapers. Manufacturers will want to offer these coupons because brand loyalty is huge for parents and getting parents to buy from them can mean a lifetime commitment for their first child and last. When baby moves up a size or seems to be in between two sizes, we will have a kit with size A and size B within to see which brand is carrying the size that seems to match the babies needs the most. Parents never have to waste money on diapers that don’t fit, don’t work, or aren’t comfortable for baby ever again. Disposable diapers have only been around for a few decades and investors know it’s a huge market with some definite room for improvement. Our kit will be investor friendly because most of the cost will be from packaging. Manufacturers will have contracts with us to sell us their diapers at a very reduced cost because of our need to purchase in bulk as well as the free advertising they get from our brand.

I believe everything above is smoothly transitioned and well put together. The idea comes together to really meet the needs of parents everywhere. Investment opportunities will be vast and investors will see our earning potential with little convincing. The diapering industry has an unmet need that someone needs to address before its too late.


  1. I really LOVE your idea. I just recently became an aunt, and let me tell you, taking care of a baby is no joke. I babysat for my sister, and it was the most stressful 2 hours of my life. I learned everything from feeding it to changing its diaper to googling how to put in a baby car seat.

    I really like how you utilized your own personal experiences to create something that hits close to home for you and also for others as well. Overall, good post.

    If you're interested in mine:

  2. Hey Brittney,

    I think your idea is innovative and highly desirable by new mothers, and mothers in general because babies are always growing and therefore need new sizes of diapers. Since every baby's skin and size is unique, you are providing mothers with an incredible opportunity to find the best fit for their little one. I especially like that you are a mother yourself, because I believe this puts you in a good position to understand the wants and needs of mothers. I also really like that you talk about how your service would actually be an incentive to diaper companies and that would be a great way to get them to participate in your service because it would make it seem like they really care about their customers as well.
    You can see my idea napkin here:

  3. Hi, Brittany. I like the idea, and I think I might have an idea that can make the product even better. What if you could get this package shipped to your door and you could shop for different diapers on a website that someone could build for you. This way parents wouldn't have to get every single size (what if the large is too large or the small is too small?). I really like the track that you are one though, as it really helps parents out and allows them to explore the different diapers without having to buy the entire $20 dollar bundle as you say. Great job with the product, and I hope you continue to build on your current vision, refine it and make it as good as it can be!

  4. I have a three year old sister and I remember her going through the diaper stages. It was difficult to find the right size, brand, and even price for her. I love this idea. I think this idea could go really far. Especially because brands will view it as an innovative marketing technique that could get their names out there. I think this product would best be marketed to infants and then you could even expand to either adult diapers or pull ups. I wish you the best of luck in your venture. If you have a chance check out mine at
