In order to effectively optimize my search
engine results for my blog I made sure to publish everything publicly and use
my google account to publish It on my account as well. I chose to include
pictures in some posts and videos in others.
The keywords I used a lot was venture, diapers,
and kit. I think these words are able to effectively get the most people to
look into what I’m doing especially those interested in this sort of thing. I did
not change my words throughout the semester as they seemed to be perfect for what
my blog was about.
I used google hangout to share my blogs after
publishing each one. I think this was a good way to reach people I knew
personally so that they could spread the word. I don’t think my social media
was very susceptible because the product is for a specific target audience.
The post that got the most traffic was the
Elevator pitch no. 3 post. I think it got the most traffic because it had a
video in it and a good detailed description of what I was doing in the video.
I did not make it to the first page of google
unfortuatnely. I searched for a long time and could not even find my blog at
all. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong, but it could just be way off in Google
O land.