Friday, March 25, 2016

Google Gold

1)    In order to effectively optimize my search engine results for my blog I made sure to publish everything publicly and use my google account to publish It on my account as well. I chose to include pictures in some posts and videos in others.
2)    The keywords I used a lot was venture, diapers, and kit. I think these words are able to effectively get the most people to look into what I’m doing especially those interested in this sort of thing. I did not change my words throughout the semester as they seemed to be perfect for what my blog was about.
3)    I used google hangout to share my blogs after publishing each one. I think this was a good way to reach people I knew personally so that they could spread the word. I don’t think my social media was very susceptible because the product is for a specific target audience.
4)    The post that got the most traffic was the Elevator pitch no. 3 post. I think it got the most traffic because it had a video in it and a good detailed description of what I was doing in the video.

5)    I did not make it to the first page of google unfortuatnely. I searched for a long time and could not even find my blog at all. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong, but it could just be way off in Google O land.

Celebrating Failure

1)    A time I failed this last semester was when I tried to start an exercise regimen. I decided to finally get my butt up after having my baby girl, and lose some of this extra baby weight. I went hard at first, but then I was so sore that I decided to take a rest day. After one rest day I couldn’t find the energy to do another exercise day. This made me mad at myself, and I ate more to feel better. So in the end I ended up gaining a few pounds!
2)    I learned that I need to be really dedicated and not take rest days until my exercise habit is formed. I learned that failure is okay, as long as I get back up.

3)    I think failure is not only good, its necessary. I needed to learn that if I took reset days before having enough habit in me to continue after the rest period that I could lose motivation. Now that I know that I took a different approach to exercise and decided to participate in some of those 30 day challenges that don’t allow for rest. This has helped me a lot, and in two months I’ve dropped all my baby weight!

Week 13 Reading Reflection

1.)   The thing that stood out this week was the due diligence analysis. I think its great that the author took the time to actually outline what it means to do due diligence.
2.)   The one thing that was confusing was the valuation for the firm. I think it could be very difficult to try and get a good idea of what your company could be worth without being overly optimistic.
3.)   Question 1: When it comes to due diligence does it take a trained professional to do it properly? Question 2: If you had to valuate your own firm, would you hire someone who isn’t biased to do it for you?

4.)   Nothing really made me disagree with the author this week.