Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

11.)   The biggest surprise from this weeks reading was the scientifically developed process that goes into the creative process for entrepreneurs. It was very interesting to see the details behind the initiative it takes for an entrepreneur to come up with a new idea.

22.)  One thing that did confuse me was the misconceptions of innovation. I understand that innovation can be an action, but realistically innovation seems to be less of a verb and more out of reach for most people.

33.)   I would ask the author: A. The creative climate is very important for an entrepreneur to be able to process creativity, but can’t a climate of extreme need for change also inspire this process? B. Do you think the arenas of creativity sum up all of the available areas that can actually be a good environment for the creative process?

44.)   I don’t think this chapter had anything wrong in it. I thought everything was insightful and rightfully said.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

         World’s Biggest Problems Ranks from most serious to least

1.      Clean water
Access to clean water around the world is scarce. Water, especially in the Middle East has become a commodity equal to oil. 

2.      Unemployment 
Even though the economy is regaining its rigor, unemployment is still a huge problem that causes inequality and tension between citizens.

3.      Hunger
The UN estimates that about 1in 9 people go hungry each day. While most of this is happening in underdeveloped countries there is still hunger in developed countries as well. The price of food is skyrocketing leaving the poor unable to eat.

4.      Separation of Classes
The poorer are becoming poorer and the richer are becoming richer. 95% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% of people. The amount of power that leaves these people is dangerous to say the least. Between running the political front and owning the highest corporate power, the top 1% basically runs the world.

5.      Health
The need for cures for the most deadly diseases remain unfound. It seems we have the capacity through science to tackle some of the most dangerous diseases, but for some reason we have yet to find a cure.
Solutions from most plausible to least

1.    Separation of Classes Solution
The solution for this is not a simple one. My very bare suggestion would be to tax the richest who do not contribute at least 30% of their wealth to bettering the lives of those they basically are in charge of.

2.    Hunger Solution
One solution for this would be to share. It's as simple as kindergarten manners, if you don't need it share it. A lot of people have more than their share of food.

3.    Clean Water Solution
A solution for this problem might be funding for scientific research into natural economical ways to filter water.

4.    Unemployment Solution
Economists everywhere agree that a solution to this problem would have to come from creating more jobs, whether it be private sector or government funded job creation.

5.    Health
I believe that more government funding needs to be allocated to cancer fighting organizations who are focused on a cure. It's also essential that we educate people on proper eating and detoxifying to protect ourselves from these diseases.

I chose Water as the most important because it’s a natural resource that can easily be made clean for others. People are dying and becoming ill because they don’t have the tools necessary to clean their water. I believe at the very least countries should be contributing systems to these people for cleaning water.

I think the separation of classes is a huge problem, but I also think that the solution is easily implementable. I mean how hard is it for legislation to pass a bill saying A. if you’re a billionaire please contribute your butt load of money to bettering the lives of not only your own family, but the families around the world who can’t even eat at night. B. If you don’t do this we will tax you ourselves and contribute the money to at least the people in our own country who need the help.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 

One of the huge things that stood out for me was at the beginning of the chapter when the author decided to go into some psychological framework describing some problems entrepreneurs faced. I just was very thrown off by the way the book started taking a direction of mental focus for the entrepreneur. It was very interesting.

2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you?

One of the things that was a bit confusing to me was the ethical challenges for corporate Entrepreneurship. It was just hard to follow exactly what the graph was trying to depict when it came to the ethical standards.

3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?

A. What do you think is a reasonable realistic way to address the Entrepreneurial Ego?
B. How did you come to the conclusion that Entrepreneurs specifically have 6 important aspects of stress relief?

4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I think that the statement that said that Entrepreneurs are driven by a strong need to control their venture and destiny could be wrong. I personally know a guy who is considered an entrepreneur and for him he prefers to go with the flow of what the investors need from him. If there are some aspects that he knows not to focus on he's okay with that. He likes to delegate tasks to others and not be completely in control.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

1.)   CPR should be in all Wisconsin schools
This story is about a man whose life was saved by a 15 year old boy who learned CPR in school over the summer. Basically this writer believe that every school in Wisconsin should offer this training to high school students for emergencies such as the one that the 15 year old faced that day. The problem is that all schools do not have training courses like CPR available for students to participate in. This is a problem for many Wisconsin schools as well as schools across the nation.

2.)   Danger brewing for coffee roasters
This story is about the dangers of a chemical called Diacetyl which is extremely harmful to the lungs and experts say is one of the most toxic chemicals they’ve ever seen. It seems over the last few decades coffee roasters have dying of cancer in higher numbers than the general population, specifically lung cancer. The problem is that although we know the dangers of these chemicals the CDC doesn’t have in place a proper method for tracking deaths related to Diacetyl. Even with complaints coming in to the CDC the data collection and surveillance systems that would be necessary to intervene are just not available. The people facing this problem range from coffee bean roaster who are exposed to this chemical to e-cigarette smokers.

3.)   Prisoners at Waupun allege abuse
This story was about allegations of abuse to inmates of a correctional institute in Wisconsin. Apparently the prison is claiming that inmates are lying about being beaten while handcuffed and psychologically abused while in solitary confinement. I believe the problem here is a lack of accountability. People who have this much power over another human without the proper training and monitoring can be extremely dangerous. The ones who face the largest challenge are the inmates themselves.

4.)   Gov. Deal adds 6 more counties for state of emergency
This was an article about the weather in and near Atlanta Georgia. It appears that the government decided to declare 15 counties in total in a state of emergency because of freezing ice.. They will keep this state of emergency until at least Sunday night.
This is a problem because this state has little equipment to deal with potential ice and snow if the weather persists. The people who will face the main problems are the ones commuting to school, work, or anywhere else.

5.)   Spilled lumber blocks southbound lanes of I-75 south of Ocala

This was an article describing an accident involving three semis and a Volvo. It seems due to some backup on the interstate one of the semis while trying to exit the freeway caused the accident to occur. One of the other semis was carrying lumber and it all spilled onto the freeway. Even though fire rescue was on the scene quickly the pileup left lanes closed for over two hours causing a traffic jam that stretched for miles. This kind of problem occurs far too often. When an accident on a freeway happens the traffic has nowhere to go and therefor end up in a jam for hours on end. The main people who suffer from these kinds of accidents are the people who are commuting on these highways just trying to get home or get to work.